Have you ever tried to buy tickets online for your favorite artist’s concert or for a big sporting event but bought which cost 2 or 3 times more than the regular ticket price? Have you ever gone to a concert/sports venue looking for a ticket and somebody sold you a fake ticket? Well, these are some of the common dilemmas that we encounter just to enjoy our favorite entertainment event.
What if there is a platform wherein all these problems will be solved. This doesn’t just solve the problem for us consumers but for the artist, publishers, resellers and event organizers as well. If we try to focus on the “behind the scenes” of every event, then we will be able to know what’s the reality of the business.
As an investor looking unique and profitable ICO, I would give my 100% approval to Crypto.Tickets. This is the solution to the spectator and event-related problems.
What is Crypto.Tickets Project?
What captured my attention about Crypto.Tickets Project was its platform. Crypto.tickets is a unique and standard for the Entertainment Industry: distribution of tickets with automatic billing, zero fraud, and clear rules of the game. I should say it is a game changer for the ticketing industry as well. The main purpose of this project is to create a blockchain platform which can be used by the world’s ticket industry to solve the market’s primary problems, such as fake tickets and expensive ticket selling. Crypto.tickets boast 3 game-changing products: Ticket chain, ticket cloud and ticket wallet. All transactions are done inside the Crypto.tickets system which is assisted by the help of the TKT token.
Game-changing Products.
Let’s talk about the 3 game-changing product that Crypto.tickets is offering:
Tickets Chain. represents a ticket platform which automates all business processes, connected to sale, return and resale of a ticket, including the distribution of money among the participants in the process. Main functions of the Tickets Chain: creation of a smart-contract for an event with settings of own monetary policy of tickets; issue of crypto-tickets which are tokens and cannot be faked; setting of self-regulating smart-contracts (rules for issuing tickets and their unique monetary return policy, resale rules and also dissemination of event returns); 14 validation of tickets and their registration on the blockchain; automatic billing with set rules at the stage of creation of a smart-contract for events; opportunity to issue tokens for brands/organisers as an internal currency inside the brand; decentralized ticket exchange.
In other words, Ticket Chain is an all in one system for all ticketing processes. It’s easy, convenient and very safe to use because it follows a designated rule which is set properly.
Tickets Cloud. a global platform of tickets distribution (ticketscloud.org), operating the market for over 5 years and implementing the following functions: simple API for ticket distributors; KYC of an organiser and making an agreement to work with the platform; interface for creating a smart-contract of an event; convenient interface for working with venue plans; crypto-ticket management; 15 network of connected distributors with a convenient interface for making deals with flexible conditions; widget for own ticket sales at own website and on social networks; automation of the document flow; tools for holding and analyzing advertisement campaigns; billing and own payment system; generator of event websites for ticket sales with a possibility to connect them with own domain; event access control system via an application and with the help of professional scanners; forming of invitation tickets; deep analysis of sales; marketing automation.
Ticket cloud handles all the ticket distribution and marketing strategies for the upcoming event. It also assists in the verification process of tickets and the good thing is it’s automated. I consider this very important because this will solve a lot of problems regarding ticket distribution so no 3 person for 1 ticket scenario.
Tickets Wallet. is a software complex which is a graphical shell for working with the Tickets Chain API. The software consists of a client application for Web, PC, mobile platforms iOS and Android and also of a server component, which is formed by a protected data storage and an integration gateway to arrange interaction with the Tickets Chain. The Tickets Wallet has the following functions: wallet for storing and sending of TKT tokens; storage of crypto-tickets; conversion of fiat currency into tokens and back (with use of the exchange gateway); interface for exchanging, sending and returning of tickets; interface for selling tickets to the secondary market with sales rules settings (fixed price or auction); 16 two-way information channel for getting additional content from the artist and promoter before as well as after the event; channel for communication with other spectators; event entry guarantee.
In layman’s term, the Ticket wallet works like a regular wallet just like other cryptocurrencies have. The Tickets Wallet greatly simplifies the procedure for buying, selling, transferring and returning event tickets for a user. For me it is very convenient for any scenarios like returns or cancellations and it’s already integrated to as a mobile app which is a very marketable way to spread the word about Crypto.tickets.
Events Market Issues
Fakes and fraud. Fake tickets are one of the main problems in the secondary ticket market. Rogues take advantage of the lack of ability to validate the authenticity of a ticket, allowing them to sell fake tickets. There are often cases in the secondary market where the same ticket is sold to multiple customers as there is no way to be certain how many people own that ticket. When this happens only the first customer to arrive at the event gets in, whilst others are left unable to attend. In these situations it is not only the spectator who suffers, but the organizer who lost the opportunity to sell a ticket to those customers who ended up with fake tickets.
Scalpers. Most tickets to popular events are bought by automatic bots in the first minutes after the sale starts, and are then resold in the secondary market at a price significantly higher than the original. Speculators profit, many customers cannot afford the tickets, and organizers lose customers. Organizers and official agents in this case cannot control the market and do not profit from speculators’ resales. In some countries the overpriced tickets unsold by speculators are returned to the organizer right before the event begins. As a result, the organizer loses profit and suffers reputational loss because the venue is not full, in spite of a limited ticket offer in the market and a high sale price.
Non-transparency for a spectator. In order to buy a ticket, spectators must check numerous websites, study ratings and availability, and compare prices. The segregation of ticket platforms which lack a central database limits customers’ ability to consider all options available in a simple and transparent manner.
Incomplete sale of tickets for events. The current business model of providing quotas limits promoters’ ability to work with a large number of distribution channels often leading to incomplete sales for events. A quota is part of a venue and cannot be divided endlessly, therefore the number of distributors is limited by the number of quotas. The best distributors sell all their tickets leaving consumers to believe an event has sold out. Meanwhile that lesser known or less efficient distributors end up not selling their quotas, ultimately leading to empty seats at an event that had a high demand for ticket sales.
High price cap for entering the market for distributors. The quotas model also prevents new players entering the distribution market, big distributors dictate their conditions to the organizers, all tickets are disseminated among the current players. Even if one manages to get tickets for sale, these will not be the best seats and are limited in number, which makes projects with novel sales mechanics doomed.
Lack of a common standard for working with ticket organizations. Due to the fact that all ticket organizations have different program interfaces (API), agents who deal with ticket distribution have to separately integrate with the API of each, check the quotas manually and exclude the tickets which repeat with different suppliers. Moreover, in case an organizer intends to raise the ticket price, he has to contact each of the agents and manually update all contracts.
Producing, organizing and managing big or small events is a very tedious task. That is where crypto.tickets would come in. Just reading all the Issues that the event organizing industry encounters can really blow my mind. That is why I’m confident that Cryto.ticket would be the best solution and platform for me to invest in.
Crypto.Ticketing is a solution.
In every business, the problem is always there just waiting to happen. For me, Crypto.tickets was created as a solution to the Entertainment Industries ongoing problems. Crypto.tickets has set some solution and guidelines to solve all these problems: Cryptotickets are safe from any fraud and have a transparent history on the issue, resale, redemption on the entrance — available for all market players. Even when you purchase on the secondary market you can be sure that the ticket exists and is unique and valid. Sell tickets through an unlimited number of sellers globally. No need to allocate quotas. All sellers get access to the entire ticket inventory via API. Every problem has already been researched and thought about. Pending solutions are already in existence just waiting for the birth of Crypto.tickets.
Why invest in CRYPTO.TICKETS?
For seasoned investors and investment greenhorns, there are a lot of things to consider especially if you are thinking of investing in an ICO. A lot of people think ICO’s are scams or just a waste of you investment money. Below are some criterias to consider in searching for a profitable ICO and this is my guide why I made the choice of choosing Crypto.Tickets as the ICo of choice for investors.
  1. It must be a unique project.
    I should say it’s definitely unique. There might be some other ICO who has the same ticketing platform but with Crypto.Tickets, it is a one-stop shop for all you entertainment industry needs. From ticketing processes to distribution and IOS/Android based wallet which is run by the help of TKT token.
  2. The team that comprises the company must have at least 5 well known reputable members.
    The team includes 2 founders with solid experience in the industry, more than 10 developers, one designer, 6 customer relationship managers, 5 customer care managers, 3 finance team members. The team members have different competence and a great number of contacts in the entertainment industry throughout the world.
Egor Egerev He is responsible for the product and the business architecture of the product. Before the project, Egor had been engaged in hosting festivals and shows for more than 7 years. For over 2 years, he was the founder and CEO of Nanoticket, which transformed into Tickets Cloud after a pivot; for the last 3 and a half years, Egor has been developing this project. All in Egor has over 12 years industry experience. Founder of the industry’s largest conference in Russia, Moscow Ticketing Forum.
Ilya Sergeenko Moscow State University graduate. Business owner since he was 18, started more than 10 businesses. Launched his own start-up, the city.info, in Serbia. Since 2015, he has been a business angel, investor and co-founder of ticketscloud.com
Katerina Kirillova London Business School and Columbia Business School graduate. Since 2003 she has been engaged in the entertainment industry, owner of a major company, Euroshow, providing technical support of events and founder of a portal for technical experts, Onstage.pro. Founder and CEO of the Moscow Ticketing Forum.
Chris Ruby Consultant
Alex Smirnov Researcher, programmer, Blockchain enthusiast, graduated with honors from the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, more than 8 years in R&D, author of 8 scientific papers, more than 10 speeches at specialized scientific conferences, the author of the international patent for the technology of indoor navigation platforms. Since 2012, he has been leading research and development in science-intensive companies. Alex is the co-founder of Cryptoinvest fund and CEO in the blockchain-team Phenom, which specializes in the development of blockchain solutions and technical support of projects. In crypto.tickets Alex is responsible for the technical part of the company’s crowdsdale and the distribution of tokens.
This is a very solid team. For me, experience in the industry is very important because they know the ins and outs of the game. This team boasts a lot of experience which can help make TKT tokens and Crypto.Tickets an established name in the entertainment industry.
  1. Escrow is a must.
    In all ICO platform escrow is a must because these are still a concept and has not established anything yet. The fear of losing your investment after crowdsales, is always a there. Crypto.Tickets is not supported by escrow. We might consider that as a red flag for an ICO. Luckily, I was able to chat with somebody from Crypto.Tickets and I asked her why they don’t have escrow. Her reply was simple: “ We will not use escrow — we are already a live business, not startup, with list of VC investors and tricking is not our strategy.
    And we have contract review. To me, this is already a good point to consider because they are already a business which means they already have established something. They have built a good foundation which is very important in investing.
  2. They have a complete detailed Whitpaper.
    Their whitepaper is complete with legalities and even included some risk factor in their whitepaper. It is very detailed.
  3. A precise and clear Roadmap
    I could say that their roadmap is very detailed and precise. They are very transparent and have set attainable timetables.
  4. Offers 50% bonus on early ICO investors
    Yes, crypto.tickets offers bonus to investors. In total, they offer 65% bonus: A preliminary private offering is planned for the pioneers of the crypto-community and the ticket industry, who are going to be some of the first clients of the crypto.tickets ecosystem and will get a bonus of 30%. On the first two days of the ICO, the investors will get a 20% bonus to their tokens, 10% bonus on the third and fourth days, and 5% bonus on the next three days. On the rest of the days, the tokens will be sold with no bonuses.
  5. Offers dividends to investors
    Crypto.tickets doesn’t provide dividends to its investors because they don’t provide stocks and TKT is not considered as securities. Investors aare not shareholder of the corporation. Per definition of dividend (Dividend refers to a reward, cash or otherwise, that a company gives to its shareholders.). There is always option of selling your TKT once the value goes up. As per crypto.tickets: “ No but after ICO you sell your tokens on excudo.com or other exchanges we have an agreement with.”.
  6. Officially listed on ICO countdowns or ICO calendars online
    Yes, Crypto.tickets is registered and you can search all info in forums and reputable ICO calendars.
  7. Existence of a cap in raising funds
    Yes, Maximum target figures for attracted funds during the ICO is an amount equivalent to $23 million.
  8. Transparent breakdown of budget and distribution of funds
    Yes, there is transparency and the breakdown for the funds. All details is stated in their whitepaper. With figures and diagrams showing the timetable and amount to spend.
  9. Should be put on the exchange
    Yes, since there is an option for investors to sell their TKT. Cryto.tickets have made deals with exchanges like excudo.com and some other exchanges.
  10. Clean Image — no red flags on any forums online
    I already checked some crypto forums online and researched what they have to say about Crypto.Tickets. All praises and anticipation were given. Some of the forums who gave out their review were steemit, bitcointalk and bitcoionpodcast.com.
  11. Has healthy public relationship online or is part of various online communities such as Twitter, Facebook, Slack, Reddit, Telegram and the like.
    Yes, Since I tried joining their bounty program, Crypto.Ticket has a good relationship with the online community. They even rely on the social media sites for marketing and as part of their bounty program.
As an investor and researcher, it is very hard to find an ICO which would pass all the 13 criteria listed above. Based on my research and chat interactions with Crypto.ticket, I would rate 12 out of 13. It would definitely be a game changer for the Entertainment and Ticketing Industry. If I have enough funds then I would definitely invest in Crypto.tickets because of the unique concept which uses blockchain and It offers 3 product: Tickets chain, tickets cloud and tickets wallet, which would solve all industry-related problems. Another advantage of TKT/Crypto.Tickets is that, unlike a number of other ICO projects, TKT does not have to wait for a 100% completion of all products for the token price to grow: the operating ticket platform, Tickets Cloud, with monthly turnover of $2 mln, has transferring its infrastructure to crypto.tickets, which will ensure that the tokens possess real, not theoretical, liquidity. This would mean that Cryto.Tickets don’t just rely on the crowdsale result for funding but if any financial difficulties will be encountered then there is always a support form its established affiliate or subsidiary. Crypto.tickets is not just for the ticketing market but also for investors and audience. I can’t wait for the outcome of the crowdsale which will start October 5, 2017. Hoping to see this platform grow and TKT overtakes BTC in the future.
For more info visit: https://crypto.tickets/


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